Best Freelancing Advice for Newbies

The great thing about freelancing is that it takes little startup costs but staying relevant is how some people fall off of the wagon.  Even worse, there are new people coming on every day and sometimes placing the lowest bid possible.  Although the path to success is different for everyone, here are three fast tips for getting ahead.

Have a solid portfolio.  Whether you write, code, or do graphic design, having real estate that's accessible is a must.  Also, make sure it is up to date.  If you create websites using clip art from the early 2000s, you might find yourself clowned and ignored for jobs.  In other words, don't just say it, be ready for showtime all of the time.

Make sure your social media presence is professional.  Also, make sure it represents your interests or knowledge of a certain industry.  Nobody likes wannabes.  Even worse, future clients don't want to see you political rants or dirty jokes about others.  If you need to create a new profile, it is best to do this and add connections carefully.  

Always have something to offer customers.  Having a loss leader like a coupon or newsletter doesn't have to cost a lot of money. MailChimp has a free email marketing program and e-Junkie starts at $5 a month for those with a small subscriber list.  Even a blog with good leads on products or services that is of interest to clients can be looked at as a form of networking that can bring rewards.
