Is Your Relationship Hurting Your Entrepreneurial Spirit?

When I first began this more than a decade ago, I kind of scoffed at statements from my mentors about having a "strong support system of people".  I felt my drive could compensate for any negativity that was out there. And if I were more honest with myself, there was some within my peers and those I considered loved ones.

While one girlfriend at the time kind of undermined my goals and wanted to bitch and complain about the office, it was my now ex-fiance that really took the cake.  Although he claimed to be a film student in semi-retirement, the truth was that not only did he want to continue punching a clock but his career goals seemed to change by the week - from a hot dog stand owner to recycling center specialist.

Even though our career goals may change with age or a consequence of a particular event, I learned the hard way that the ex was just not a happy individual.  After many years of listening to things that happened decades ago to preparing generous calorie-laden meals to compensate for his abandonment issues, there is no amateur fix for toxicity.

How do you know that special person in your life is toxic?  Above is a short video that breaks it down in less than 10 minutes.  Even though I can't tell you to quit someone because they may be a 100% mental case, you may want to consider how much your productivity has been affected.

If the following applies to you...

  • They want to talk while you are working
  • Complain about the long hours spent on a project
  • Interfere with productivity *now wait for it...drum roll, please*
  • Want to be a part of the action even though they have no experience and never expressed serious interest prior to YOUR success
It's best to get a handle on things immediately.  You may need to take time off but be aware of the fact that the above behaviors may never change.  Once you see the video, you'll probably get a better understanding.
