Do You Know How to Measure YOUR Social Media ROI

Chances are strong that you were told early in your freelancing career to just do it.  Just sign up for a social media account.  Just join.  Just send and accept invites. And repeat the process until you burn out or eventually stop caring.  There's also a good chance that the people who gave you this insightful approach know very little about marketing...AND they probably use the terms marketing/advertising/promotion interchangeably.  And guess what, when your social media accounts become a chore or you're stuck, they've got nothing. Not a cheat sheet or a true word of encouragement.

Well, there are some ways to filter your process because if you do what the bots tell you (eg their 'friend' suggestion), you will end up with a bunch of contacts who really don't care.  Take that back, a small percentage may have a genuine interest but maybe not enough to consider for engagement. 

So, the process for configuring ROI (return on investment) is really simple for small businesses.  While everyone has a different goal for social media, here are the fundamentals:

1. Focus on one goal at a time.  If you're using social media to engage and promote or sell, make sure your campaigns are set up for such.  For instance, urging someone to buy that just signed up for emails may not work for your niche.

2.  Look at the numbers every month.  Google Analytics makes this pretty easy or you can just look at your social media account stats and calculate manually.  This can take a while but at least you know the true numbers.

3. Keep content consistent.  Many bloggers/vloggers turned influencers tend to get lost in the glory of residual income.  Or worse, the content may become too abstract or personal as we tend to go with our gut or have something on our brain.  Think of what your audience is expecting and go from there.

If you find that you enjoy the details and making progress charts, this may be something you can add to your current list of freelancing services.  I'd go for the full digital marketing certificate instead of limiting yourself to social media marketing.  Google also offers free and low-cost resources that can help you understand the basics better as well
