If one of your New Year's resolutions is to change careers or take some classes to upgrade your current skill set, be cautious. You may know that a lot of entities are creating online training programs every hour, or so it seems. For the past year, I've seen some pretty lazy (and greedy) mofos promise prospective pupils the world in little time but charge hefty tuition for the experience.
The above video talks specifically about the surge of UX/UI career training programs/bootcamps, digital marketing, online sales, etc. Most of these job titles generally do not require a college degree but having one is highly recommended. If you look at the reviews for those new Google certifications, pay attention to what's being said.
Not long ago I was interested in their User Experience program (At $40 a month, what did I really have to lose?) but the reviews that were clearly written in native English were very detailed. There was a reason why this course was cheaper than taking a few units at the local community college. According to the reviews, students listened to a pre-recorded lecture, there's no instructor interaction, and some parts of the curriculum didn't cover enough for anyone who didn't have previous experience to get an entry-level position.
Other former students also discovered delays in getting completed classes cleared. Although it's implied that anyone who completes the course may be eligible to be placed at a number of well-known tech companies, this isn't guaranteed. Before I began posting, I ran across a former student's video who experienced this but I'll listen and share at a later time.
About a year ago, I got burned by a company called Reliablesoft. They come up in a lot of searches for the best digital marketing training but this is bogus for anyone looking into a career change. While I was able to get a holiday discount, their schtick was not only giving basic information that almost everyone familiar with e-commerce knows but in order to pass a module, I had to buy a third party's product. I have a degree so I charged this misfortune to the game.
Be careful out there and if someone makes promises that sound too good to be true, don't be so quick to give up your PayPal information. Even though some accredited public colleges and universities can be shady in their instruction, at least there's some accountability when things go totally south.
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