It's a new fiscal year and maybe you've had the opportunity to assess your finances. While you may consider yourself lucky to have survived the pandemic (and did NOT get a PPP loan), chances are strong that money may have taken a hit or two. If you're new to freelancing, you may have taken a cut in order to land a gig or ensure that you break even.
The saying that there's strength in numbers is 100% fact when it comes to being in demand. Whether you're a coder, content producer, or work on the technical side of e-commerce or other business that experienced a boom in the past year and a half. When more of us stand up for our rights, we can earn a decent living
While the Freelancer's Union seems to accommodate those based in New York, membership (which is free, btw) has its benefits. For one, you get access to a host of legal resources, like getting paid on time. I'd imagine some individuals you dealt with in the past year have used the pandemic as an excuse to delay (or bypass) paying you on time.
I've been at this for a minute and have heard some of the best excuses for why I didn't receive the smallest amount of money. One person told me that PayPal was "stuck" (and I haven't seen the remittance to this day). For me, these instances are one reason to not work for pennies. In the meantime, no matter what they is business. If you delivered according to directions, their sudden cash-flow issue shouldn't become your problem.
This is why I like to do business on PayPal (for sales of products and services) because drawing up an invoice protects the seller. It also gives a reference in case something goes wrong. Finally, in case you didn't know, this is where a lot of the big-name outsourcing companies stop in their tracks. They may show empathy but almost never will they act on your behalf when the client acts funny about running you your rightfully-earned money. Get more freelancer legal resources here.
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